Point A.

a short film written by Sean Corfield, Michael Louis Howard, and Liam Galaz Howard.

Directed by Sean Corfield and Liam Galaz Howard.

Starring Mo Zahra and Liam Galaz Howard.


Point A is the story of two young men battling loneliness, doubt, and unyielding inner pain as they spend seven days in the wilderness of the California coast. Alex, a twenty-something college dropout, posts a message to his Instagram asking if anyone wants to do a week-long backpacking trip with him during the lockdown. To his surprise, Mason – a former high school friend and currently unemployed liberal arts grad student – responds. Alex and Mason meet at the trailhead, where they fall back into a familiar routine: Alex teases Mason in a brotherly yet emasculating way, while Mason speaks only of himself and his own ideas. 

By the campfire at night, Alex cooks for Mason, and Mason goads  Alex into drinking with him. They swap stories from their childhood and begin to break down the walls they’ve built up over the hard years in which they’ve been apart. Once Mason retreats to his tent, he sits with a lamp and his notebook, writing and rewriting, until he gently rips the page out and places the book on his pillow. Mason climbs out of his tent and walks towards the cliff. He stands at the edge of the cliff for a moment, then begins to take a step forward…